The origins of the People's Music Supply lie in two series of concerts curated by Aaron Pond: Sonic Sunsets (2019-2021), at the Discovery Center in Fairmount Park, and the South Philadelphia-based PONDora’s Fish Sauce Bottle (2022-2023). From Pond’s production of multimedia, mixed-genre, risk-taking bills, he created a loyal audience and a network of players in love with Creative Music.
The People’s Music Supply continues in this mission. We are providing a platform for creative encounters between local musicians, offering spaces for transcendent sonic experiences. More than prestige, intellectual justifications, or style, what defines our organization is the answer to a simple question: “Do you want to feel ALIVE!?!”
In addition to our concerts, we host open improvisation sessions in South and West Philadelphia, creating communities focused on regular communal playing. From these sessions have sprung a number of performing units, both one-off and sustaining.
These sessions are ongoing-- contact PeoplesMusicSupply at Gmail dot Com to find one near you.

Highlighted past events:
III Chambers at Studio 34 (July 14th 2023)
Live improvisation across 3 rooms, with musicians, movers and audiences all free to roam. The rooms were adorned with the paintings of Natasha Vix.
Aaron Pond, Anthony Bayne Sr, Ann Adachi, Christina Gesualidi, Connor Przybyszewski. Dylan Olympii McDonnell, Emmett Wilson, Ihba Baskette, Jack Braunstein, Jessica Brown, Katherine Brady, Mark Brown
Mehki Gladden, Nicole Bindler, Ryoko Ohara, Sonali Singh, Seqouyah Leaf, Syl Winch, Thomas Patteson,…and Natasha Vix.
Kevin Diehl’s Airlift Descends upon South Philly (June 11 2023)
Kevin Diehl (drums and flute), Terry Lawson (sax), Pete Dennis (Bass), Tom Lowrey (percussion), Elliot Levin (sax), DM Hotep (guitar)
Sonali Singh (Bassoon/Movement) and Sheila Zagar (Movement)
PONDora’s Fish Sauce Bottle 4 (March 24 2023)
Robinson x Blacksberg x Hilton
This first of its kind pairing, centered expert on Native American Dance- Vaughnda Hilton improvising alongside the combinatory forces of Dan Blacksberg and Michnari Robinson.
Grackle Grabble Grapplers- Aaron Pond (horn) and Tracy Lisk (drums) improvisationally score the wrestling of Tori Breen and Mik Philips
Wind Power
Ihba Baskette (Sax), Ryoko Ohara (percussion), Anthony Bayne Sr (Sax), Thomas Patteson (Sax)
PONDora’s Fish Sauce Bottle 2 (Dec 29 2022)
Karen Smith (drums), Mijkalena Smith (movement), and Pete Dennis (Bass)
Sonali Signh (bassoon), Katherine Desimine (movement), and Aaron Pond (horn/compositions) premiere Pond’s Structured Improvisations for Wind Duo with Movement
Syl Winch (Trombone/Improvisational Composition), Jack Braunstein (clarinet), Katherine Brady (Vocals, Sruti), and Thomas Patteson (sax).
Sonic Sunsets (Jan 11 2020)
Jupiter Blue (Tara Middleton + DM Hotep)
BORBS- aviary ritual theater.
Aaron Pond- Vocals, Kalimba, Tea Kettle, Katherine Brady- Vocals/Water, Jessica Brown- jHorn, Thomas Patteson- Handbells
Sonic Sunsets (Dec 14 2019)
Imaginary Continent Ensemble (Michael Forbes - Bb Clarinet, Kyle Press - Saxophone, Watsun - Bass Clarinet) performing Madam Data’s compositions List A and Imaginary Continents 25-29 under her direction.
Argyle Torah - Aaron Pond performs improvised melodies and lyrics to Thomas Patteson’s modular synth accompaniment.